Healing YOUR Marriage


Many couples think the lack of communication is why they no longer feel a connection. However, that is not true. Communication doesn’t just stop, there is a reason. Identifying the conflict and focusing on healing will deepen connection.

Healing after Loss

Many couples experience unspeakable loss in their marriage. Leaning into the pain together can bring healing and strength to your relationship.


When couples face ups and downs in their marriage, it is common to build resentments and have difficulty with forgiveness. Communication becomes strained, expectations become unclear, the space between becomes greater and disruptions in intimacy develop.

But did you know that marriage isn’t about happiness? It is about identifying a PURPOSE!

Raising Children

Raising children in your marriage can be the greatest and at times most challenging adventure one can journey. Arguments often begin due to being tired, having busy schedules, miscommunication, unclear expectations, lack of parenting plan, not enough Mom & Dad time, and YES, maybe the dog did eat the homework! Couples often take these frustrations out on each other. Let’s work to together to get YOU back on the same page.

Are you interested in a Marriage Intensive?

after a phone consultation and completion of a few assessments, a personalized and detailed treatment plan will be established

Marriage Intensive

A Marriage Intensive is a private and specialized program for couples. It gives couples an uninterrupted time, which provides couples the time and space to make the progress they want. Normally in weekly 50-minute sessions, most of the time is spent sharing about conflict between sessions. Our Marriage Intensives will be personalized to each couple’s relationship goals. Jodie and Mark will walk alongside the couple throughout the intensive.